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1 reviews

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price from €473

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Description for B&B:

In an isolated hamlet and quiet, the farm of Garnasson, dating from 1863, is located Doranges in the Livradois in the heart of the regional park of Livradois Drill, between Issoire and La Chaise Dieu, close to Ambert, volcanoes of Auvergne, Velay and Forez, at an altitude of 970 meters. In their renovated farmhouse, Roland and Fabrice welcome you throughout the year and offer five rooms with a bathroom and separate toilet. The table d'hôte meals are very user friendly, in a warm and spacious environment. The menus are prepared with local produce, season mushrooms are waiting for you! Weekends theme are available out of season. They will advise you the best tours and walks in their area.


Appréciations pour La Ferme Du Garnasson, Doranges:

A beautiful, peaceful place to stay
Review by: Fiona and Andy, Sep 3 2018 10:47AM
We stayed at La Ferme du Garnasson in July this year, it is a very peaceful and restful place for a break. Roland and Fabrice are wonderful hosts, the evening meals are delicious and use fresh produce from their gardens. We hope to be able to stay again in the future!!

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by D999 (Issoire - La Chaise Dieu) between Saint Germain l'Herm and Saint Alyre d'Arlanc, up to DORANGES facing the picnic area take the road for 800 m.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 448 448


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