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1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70

Unknown Tag: 'DESCRIPTION':

Description for B&B:

we have three charming rooms.

Room "Puck" with 2 icts of a person and an alcove with a bed of 140 cm with an en suite shower room. Price for this room is 70 euros per night for 2 people and 15 euros per extra person. is included breakfast.

The room "sand" with a bed of 160 cm and with its freestanding bath. A toilet and adjoining private. Price for this room is 80 euros per night breakfast is included

The room "Cliff" is a family suite consists of 2 bedrooms with 2 through-llits of 140cm and a sofa bed for 2 people. took him for 2 persons is 75 euros for 4 people the price is 150 euros and 15 euros per extra person pitit breakfast is included.

breakfast takes place in a large patio or terrace. It consists of homemade products (jam, cake, orange juice a hurry ... ect.).

Welcome to the B & B "ATYPIK" for your well being


Appréciations pour Chambre D'hôtes "atypik", Dieppe:

merci et bravo
Review by: lebert, Dec 28 2015 9:00PM
superbe et chaleureux , voila les maitres mots que je retiendrai de notre beau week end .
merci de votre réservation un dimanche soir dans un restaurant bien sympathique.
Chmabre tres cosy , un joli nid d amour
merci Karine et Willy

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 80 15
(3 pers.)
1 75 150 15


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